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    Our Bergzeitheld ‘Roxy’ is looking out for you at the market square in Petra…

Our Bergzeitheld ‘Roxy’ is looking out for you at the market square in Petra…

NOW available to YOU: You will now be able to get your race number with transponder at the well know ‘Plaza de Petra’. Our professional seller Bergzeitheld ‘Roxy’ will be at the market square in the mornings and might approach you. Further, feel free to directly address the pleasant Roxy, who is always looking to help. We look forward to this auxiliary service.
By |February 20th, 2015|News|Comments Off|

High ranking participants at test runs

The main aim of testing the time measurement stations, performed at the beginning of January, was to simulate a most realistic race situation. Team Bergzeithelden enlisted cyclists of all abilities in order to achieve a most genuine test. The team, headed by organiser Hans-Jürgen Wirth is proud to announce that there were – in addition to male and female amateur cyclists –current and former professional cyclists participating in the tests.Amongst others, Bergzeithelden was able to welcome the new signing of team Caja Rural Seguros, Lluis Mas. The 24 year old, born in SesSalines (Mallorca) moved only at the end of the 2013 season from the Spanish team Burgos to teamCaja Rural Seguros. He achieved the test run of the 8km(5miles) longColl de Sa Batalla route in an astonishing 18min36sec. Well done Lluis, rest assured that no one will probably beat yourrecord anytime soon. The former professional cyclist Toni TaulerLlull: 4-times Tour de France-, and Silver Medal (Peking, 2008)winner, also participated in the test run. Born in Santa Margalida, the Majorcan completed the route with of many hairpin bends, that is leading up to the petrol station in the fabulous time of 19min6sec. Toni, who now runs the training campTaulertraining, will be on the leader board in his category of Bergzeitheldenfor a long time. Well done to you also, Toni for your incredible time. In addition, Bergzeithelden wants to thank everyone else participating in the test runs.
By |January 30th, 2014|News|0 Comments|

First tests already running

In the beginning of January the team Bergzeitheldenperformed the first live tests on the new time measurement systems. The team installed the then mobile systemsin bright sunshine and temperatures of around 20°C, on one of the most prominent mountains of Mallorca: Coll de Sa Bataia. The cyclists were able to look up their accomplished times immediately after the race, using the direct connection to the computer system of our partners in Germany, the time measurement specialists Race Result. All those participating in the test runs were fully satisfied with the system’s performance. Therefore, we will start the process of the permanent installation of the systems. Note: Don’t miss the news to follow: ‘High ranking participants at test runs’ with professional cyclists participating and the race times they achieved.
By |January 17th, 2014|News|0 Comments|